Participate as training institute | FeuerTrutz
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Joint stand "Training & Career Meeting Point"

Constant qualification and training are essential in preventive fire protection! For this reason, training institutes get the opportunity to present their seminars and courses at the joint "Training & Career Meeting Point".





Visitors of FeuerTrutz get information on courses at the stand

You are an institute for further education or professional training? Participate and benefit from this central presentation platform for training providers in the preventive fire protection industry. 

You will benefit from following services:

  • Attractive participation fee of EUR 1,600 plus VAT
  • Simple organization through a joint stand construction package including furniture and individual logo printing
  • Use of the joint area including meeting corners and storage facilities
  • Marketing services for your personal visitor promotion advertising
  • Advertising of the meeting point and your participation in our communication channels with a high reach 


You have already exhibited at the "Training & Career Meeting Point" before?

Then you can register directly in your personal exhibitor area for the the joint stand "Training & Career Meeting Point" at FeuerTrutz 2025! You received the login data by e-mail when you registered for your stand at FeuerTrutz 2024.

You are new and interested?

Feel free to contact us! You can find further information in our fact sheet "Training & Career Meeting Point".


NürnbergMesse contact person icon

Pia Eichner

Contact for the Training & Career Meeting Point

Send email +49 9 11 86 06 85 42