Speaker on the stage of the fire protection congress

Fire Protection Congress

Preventive fire protection is one of the most complex disciplines in construction and is equally relevant for existing buildings as for new constructions. At the FeuerTrutz Fire Protection Congress, planners, government employees, experts, installers, and other stakeholders can further educate themselves and exchange ideas on all current and relevant topics.

In 40 lectures, distinguished specialists provide insights into solutions and innovations in structural, technical, and operational fire protection, focusing on practical presentations directly applicable to day-to-day fire protection work. As the largest and most diverse event in the european industry, the Fire Protection Congress serves as the most important annual meeting point for many fire protection professionals.

The following topics are part of the lecture program: 

  • Fire Protection Concept: Practical knowledge for planners and inspectors
  • Fire Protection in Existing Buildings: Individual and challenging solutions
  • Timber Construction and Fire Protection: The new german model under scrutiny
  • Operations: Organizing fire protection
  • Technical Systems: New solutions and concepts

Note: The Fire Protection Congress will be held exclusively in German.


Further information and registration options can be found hereon the website of the organiser (German only).

Tickets for the Fire Protection Congress must be purchased separately and are not included in the FeuerTrutz trade fair ticket!

Tickets can only be purchased on the website of the organiser.

Buy your ticket from the organiser now