FeuerTrutz | Outdoor demonstration area
Firefighter throws wooden planks into a burning container
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Outdoor demonstration area

Would you like to demonstrate your products realistically in a large area outside the halls? Then register for a demonstration in the outdoor demonstration area!

Location: Outdoor action area next to halls 4/4A

Your outdoor demonstration at FeuerTrutz

Present your solutions and products in two 15-minute demonstrational sessions per day and show fire protection LIVE and up close!

For a fee of EUR 1,500 (plus VAT) you will receive:

  • Marketing of your demonstrations on all communication channels
  • Promotion of your demonstrations on site (e.g. on posters and displays)
  • Promotion of your demonstrations in the exhibition catalogue
  • Special labelling of your stand on site 
  • An outdoor area on site for your Fire Protection EXPERIENCE demonstration
  • Sound technology for your speaker
  • Opportunity to make a video statement or image/text statement about the demonstration, which will be advertised on social media channels

Location: Outdoor action area next to halls 4/4A

Have we aroused your interest?

Simply register by filling out the following form!

Registration for the Outdoor demonstration area at FeuerTrutz 2025

Application deadline until 31 March 2025

Fields marked with * are mendatory

Please upload the concepts as PDF files.

Your file name should only contain letters, numbers and the permitted special characters & $ # ! _ + , ( ) - .

I confirm that I have read, understood and accepted the Data Protection Regulations of NürnbergMesse GmbH. Further information on the "Transparency and Information Obligations" of NürnbergMesse GmbH can be found here.*